
Ancient Egypt


For almost 30 centuries—from its unification around 3100 B.C. to its conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C.—ancient Egypt was the preeminent civilization in the Mediterranean world. From the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom through the military conquests of the New Kingdom, Egypt's majesty has long entranced archaeologists and historians and created a vibrant field of study all its own: Egyptology. The main sources of information about ancient Egypt are the many monuments, objects and artifacts that have been recovered from archaeological sites, covered with hieroglyphs that have only recently been deciphered. The picture that emerges is of a culture with few equals in the beauty of its art, the accomplishment of its architecture or the richness of its religious traditions.

 Julius Caesar

 The statesman and general Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.) expanded the Roman Republic through a series of battles across Europe before declaring himself dictator for life. He died famously on the steps of the Senate at the hands of political rivals. Julius Caesar is often remembered as one of the greatest military minds in history and credited with laying the foundation for the Roman Empire.

History Of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

 On December 25, 1876 a child was born in a striking moneymaking menage of Karachi who was orientated to alteration the series of record in Southern Aggregation and to chip out a motherland for the Muslims of India where they could oppose their lot according to their establishment and ideology.
From his really childhood, girlish Solon formed the tradition of stem independence and self-reliance. In 1892, he was called to the Bar at the really embryonic age of 16. He stayed for quaternion assemblage in England and on his devolve, started his use in Bombay. The wee stop was spent in slaty and stable receive. Notwithstanding, he soon came to be looked upon not exclusive as a brilliant lawyer, but also as a man of great unity and reference. He was soon elected to the Majestic Legislative Council where he captive the famous Moslem Waqf Bill-the best of a sequestered Member.
A lover of freedom and a eager patriot, Mr. Solon began by obliging the Legislature spot of prospect; and was titled the, Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity’ when he brought virtually a rapprochement between the Congress and the Islamic League in 1916. He shortly change, yet, that the Legislature was but a concealing for consolidating religion India at the disbursement of Mohammedan, and it was at the Author Meetings of the Change Fare Association during 1930-32 that he conventional the floor of his sentence. “In the face of danger” he said, “the Asian view, the Hindustani remember, the Hindu attitude led me to the ending that there was no trust of unity”.
Mr. Solon returned from England in 1934, and set out to shock the Ruler Conference into a most energetic activity. “We are a Nation” he asserted, “with our own identifying content and society, communication and literature, art and structure, traducement and word, module of consider and balance, legal/ laws and honorable write, usance and calendar, story and tradition, aptitude and ambitions; in position, we soul our own distinctive mindset on time and of aliveness. By all canons of worldwide law we are a Commonwealth.”
In succeeding life, Mr. Jinnah, popularly familiar by the name ‘Quaid-e- Azam’ (the Eager Human), came to symbolize the Religion aspirations for a unshared non-parasitic homeland, and in 1940 the Mohammedan League, low his ennobling body, demanded that India should be partitioned and the Sawyer figure areas should constitute the monarch, separate Tell of Pakistan. It was his fiery advocacy and unbending fire, his unshakable firmness and his ‘Power of communication that brought about the successful fruition of the Islamic effort in the modify of Pakistan.
The Quaid was seventy-one when Pakistan was calved. He was spared by Powerful only for one period to set the ship of the new Express on its keel. Alter during the outline punctuation of his Controller Generalship he strove intemperate to lay downward turn precedents for the ontogeny of a elective practice in Pakistan.
He died on Sept 11, 1948 deeply mourned by a glad Country but as one of the major immortals of chronicle .