Thursday 3 January 2013

More Then 100 Peoples Died In Lakhnaw By Cold Temperature In India

A hopeless man sits under a quilt at an open area on a winter morning in  Delhi
More Then 100 Peoples Died In Lakhnaw By Cold Temperature In India    Police spokesman said Thursday that at least 114 people had died from the cold in the state of Uttar Pradesh. At least 23 of those had died in the past 24 hours.
Srivastava said many of the dead were poor people whose bodies were found on sidewalks or in parks.
The weather department said temperatures in the state were four to 10 degrees Celsius (seven to 18 degrees Fahrenheit) below normal.
Temperatures in New Delhi, which borders Uttar Pradesh, hit a high Wednesday of 9.8 degrees (49.6 Fahrenheit), the lowest maximum temperature in the capital since 1969.


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