Monday 4 February 2013

What exactly is in the Upcoming of iOS 7 and iPhone 6

No more Skeumorphic designs

As announced formerly, Scott Forstall will be creating The the apple organization company officially this period and the aspect will be accepted on to Todd Federighi will cause both iOS and OS X. (probably what this means is we will get to see more iOS / OS X integration). Also, Jony Ive, the style god at The the apple organization company, will take responsbility for personal relationships style across all The the apple organization company products (software as well as hardware). It is important to note that in contrast to Forstall, neither Federighi not Ive seems to be fans of skeuomorphic designs so we may get to see a important change in

Design of iOS 7.

iOS 7 will be a important update
iOS 7 will be a important upgrade as in evaluation to any other iOS version in history, or at least we can wish so. iOS 6 was a disappointment to most and no more than just an step-by-step upgrade. Android managing program os is catching up fast and it's about here we are at The the apple organization company to think seriously about how it can sustain its atmosphere for long.

What about the new iPhone 6.

The iPhone 5 came out with a important style upgrade so we are really not sure how iPhone 6 will be any different. Perhaps the frequent, less large, faster, thinner? Or perhaps The the apple organization company surprise the people in a whole new way, you never know.


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